Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Play

On Sunday night, I had the pleasure of directing the children in a Christmas church play this year. We are members of a fairly small church with only a handful of children, so in order to have enough kids to put on a play I decided to use every age child we had. Yes, I know what you are thinking-you let Bennett participate in an organized event in front of people? Hard to believe I know, but I prayed and prayed and hoped that he wouldn't destroy the stage or pitch large screaming fits as I sat sweating bullets on the front pew. All in all, with only a couple of weeks to prepare for this event, it went fairly well. Brady and Bennett were shepherds (and I should note that I dressed Eric up as a shepherd to walk down behind them in case he needed to jerk a child off stage). All of the kids looked very cute and did a great job. The little ones made the event memorable for sure. Our little angel thought the straw in the manger belonged on the floor and Brady proceeded to help her- what a mess! Bennett stole baby Jesus' gifts from the wisemen and took off with them into the choir loft. Eric got to him before he proceeded to serenade us in a microphone. Joseph hurled one of the large fluffy sheep that the shepherds carried up through the air into the church. I tried to remain serious through everything, but I finally lost it when I looked over and the little angel had baby Jesus dangling upside down from His swaddling clothes. Children are definitely unpredictable at times, and I have a lot of learning to do on directing a children's musical/play. But I sure am thankful for these wonderful little blessings our church has, and I can't wait for next year!

Reagan wasn't part of the play, but I had to inlude a picture of her because she looked so cute!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Brady's 3rd Birthday Party

It is so hard to believe that our little Brady is 3 years old! The time sure does fly. On Saturday, we had a wonderful party for him. We went to Air it Out in Cullman and jumped and played (kids and adults). There were too many great pictures to put on the blog, so you'll have to follow this link to check out all the fun http://bradyphillips.shutterfly.com/. I haven't had time to add captions to the pictures in the album. Maybe I will soon. Thanks so much to everyone who came to celebrate with us. It means so much to us that we have family and friends that enjoy watching our kids grow up just as much as we do.